Tips for Creating a Relaxing and Sustainable Bedroom Space
house design

Tips for Creating a Relaxing and Sustainable Bedroom Space

If your bedroom feels too chaotic and you want it to be more relaxing and sustainable, look no further. We’ve got just the tips for doing that.
Tips for Choosing the Right Type of Duvet Cover
bedding care

Tips for Choosing the Right Type of Duvet Cover

Choosing the best duvet cover for yourself is no easy task. That’s why we’ve put together a few tips that might help you come to a decision.
12 Kitchen Makeover Tips That Won't Break The Bank
house design

12 Kitchen Makeover Tips That Won't Break The Bank | DIY Kitchen Makeover Ideas

Are you sick of your kitchen? Maybe you're tired of looking at the same design you've had for years. Perhaps you want to brighten it up and make it more cozy and welcoming for guests. Kitchen makeo...
desert plants
house design

Drought Tolerant Plants for Hot Climates | A Guide to Choosing the Right Plants

Gardening in a climate with blistering hot summers or very scarce rains comes with its own set of obstacles. Rather than fighting Mother Nature, however, the key to success is to choose drought tol...
Save Your Money on These 5 Homeware Pieces
house design

Designers Say to Save Your Money on These 5 Homeware Pieces in 2021

In our article “Five Worthwhile Homeware Splurges for 2021,” we quoted designers and shoppers as they extolled the virtues of spending a little bit extra on pieces that will either last for years o...
Tacky decorating mistakes
house design

Five Tacky and Overdone Summer Decorating Mistakes to Avoid

Summer is hallmarked by hot weather, refreshing dips in the pool, countless ice cream cones and road trips with friends and family. Many of us harken back to childhoods spent outdoors for those two...
Five Worthwhile Homeware Splurges for 2021
house design

5 Worthwhile Homeware Splurges for 2021

Spring has sprung -- and so has our annual ritual of scraping out our ovens, turning over linens and swapping out seasonal decor. This yearly tradition -- known as “spring cleaning” -- is underscor...
houseplants for home office
house design

Houseplants for Your Home Office: A Guide to Boost Productivity

In order to be productive at home during the work day, establishing the right balance between limited distractions and enough stimulation to keep you going can be complex and frustrating -- to sa...
ultimate guide for hot sleepers
hot sleeper

Ultimate Guide to Staying Cool at Night for Hot Sleepers | Tips & Solutions

Are you a hot sleeper, or do you have night sweats? Nothing sabotages sleep more than feeling like a furnace. You toss and turn in hot, sweaty sheets and watch the hours tick by. If you experience ...